Sugam's Empire.

चलचित्रका गीतमा सुगमको साम्राज्य |
नेपाली चलचित्रमा ‘प्लेब्याक सिंगर’को रुपमा सवैभन्दा मीठो स्वर कस्को होला ? यस प्रश्नको जवाफमा जस्को नाम लिएपनि त्यो सर्वमान्य नहोला । तर आजका मितिमा सवैभन्दा रुचाइएको, सवैभन्दा खोजीहुने र सवैभन्दा हीट फिल्मी गायक को होला भन्ने प्रश्नको जवाफ चाहिं गीत संगीतमा रुची हुने जो कोहीले दिन सक्छ । हो, वर्तमानमा यस प्रश्नको एउटा जवाफ भएका छन् गायक सुगम पोखरेल ।
How could you have the best voice as 'playback singer' in the Nepali movie? In response to this question, it is not fair to have a name Sugam. But the answer to the question that is the most wanted, most searched and most hot film singer in today's date, can be someone who likes to be interested in song music. Yes, currently there is an answer to this question, singer Sugam Pokharel.
#Video via Youtube Channel Of kendrabinduTV.
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